Client Financing Boosts Pet Door Company’s Revenue

A Case Study in Customized Finance Solutions: Client Financing Boosts Pet Door Company’s Revenue


Pet Door Products, a leading provider of innovative pet doors based in Salt Lake City, Utah, sought to elevate its sales strategy by integrating financing options into its customer offerings. Prior to collaborating with Client Financing, the company did not have a structured financing program in place.


The absence of a financing solution limited Pet Door Product’s ability to tap into a broader customer base. Potential clients, despite having an interest in the high-quality pet doors, were hesitant to make purchases without flexible payment options. This gap in the sales process was hindering the company from realizing its full revenue potential.


Pet Door Product partnered with Client Financing to develop a tailored financing program that aligned with both the company’s and customers’ needs. The collaboration resulted in the creation of a custom lending product designed exclusively for the pet door industry. The financing solution included:

  • 0% Financing Offers: Client Financing introduced attractive 0% financing options for 6 and 12 months, enticing customers with the flexibility to spread their payments without incurring additional costs.
  • Flexible Terms: The financing terms ranged from 24 to 36 months, providing customers with a variety of choices to suit their budget and financial preferences.
  • Customized Lending Product: Client Financing worked closely with Pet Door Product to understand their unique requirements, crafting a financing solution that seamlessly integrated into the sales process.


Client Financing’s team collaborated closely with Pet Door Product to seamlessly integrate the financing solution into their sales operations. The implementation process was smooth and efficient, ensuring minimal disruption to the company’s existing processes.



The impact of incorporating a financing solution into Pet Door Product’s sales strategy was immediate and substantial:

  • Sales Skyrocketed: With the introduction of financing options, Pet Door Product experienced an immediate surge in sales. The availability of flexible payment plans attracted a larger customer base that was previously hesitant due to budget constraints.
  • Customer Satisfaction: The tailored financing program met the diverse financial needs of Pet Door Product’s customers, resulting in increased satisfaction and loyalty. Customers appreciated the transparency and flexibility offered by the financing options.
  • Revenue Growth: The implementation of Client Financing’s solution enabled Pet Door Product to capture previously untapped market segments, leading to significant revenue growth. The company no longer missed out on potential sales due to the absence of a financing program.


Collaborating with Client Financing proved to be a game-changer for Pet Door Product, transforming their sales process and unlocking new revenue streams. The success of this partnership underscores the importance of having a tailored financing solution in place, particularly for companies offering high-quality products. By addressing the financial needs of both the business and its customers, Client Financing played a pivotal role in driving Pet Door Product’s success in the competitive pet door market.

Transforming Real Estate Coaching Company’s Success with High-Ticket Finance Programs

Case Study: REI Coaching Seminar Does $500k In Financing


In the fast-paced world of real estate coaching, staying ahead of the competition and maximizing revenue is essential. Our company had the privilege of collaborating with a real estate investor coaching company to help them implement a high-ticket financing program that ultimately led to over $500,000 in program sales to seminar attendees. This case study highlights the journey of our partnership and the remarkable results achieved.


Before engaging with our company, the real estate coaching company faced a significant challenge. They lacked a financing program for their high-ticket coaching programs. This deficiency limited their ability to close sales during seminars, hindering their potential revenue stream.

Our Solution:

Our team worked closely with the coaching company to develop a customized financing program tailored to their specific needs. The solution included:

1. Financial Assessment: We conducted a comprehensive financial assessment to understand their audience’s demographics, needs, and preferences.

2. Program Design: We designed a flexible and attractive financing program that allowed attendees to access the coaching program with manageable payment plans.

3. Marketing Strategy: We collaborated on a marketing strategy to effectively promote the financing program to seminar attendees.


Once the financing program was developed, our company supported the coaching company in implementing it seamlessly. This involved training their staff, creating promotional materials, and integrating the financing options into their sales processes.


The results of our collaboration were nothing short of outstanding:

1. Sales Surge: With the new financing program in place, the coaching company experienced a remarkable surge in sales during their seminars. Over $500,000 worth of coaching program sales were generated from seminar attendees who opted for financing.

2. Market Expansion: The financing program not only boosted revenue but also expanded their market reach. Attendees who might have been hesitant due to the upfront cost were now able to join the program.

3. Customer Satisfaction: Seminar attendees appreciated the flexibility offered by the financing program, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Our partnership with the real estate coaching company exemplifies the transformative power of tailored financing solutions. By addressing their unique needs, we helped them unlock over $500,000 in sales revenue they might have missed otherwise. This case study underscores the importance of innovative financing programs in driving business growth and success.Are you interested in learning more about how our company can assist your business in achieving similar results? Contact us today to explore how we can tailor a solution to your specific needs.

5 Reasons To Offer Financing To Your Customers

As a business owner of a high ticket product or service, you may have considered offering financing options to your customers for products and services over $1000. If you’re unsure whether it’s worth the investment, here are the top 5 reasons to offer financing to your customers:

  1. Increased Sales

Offering financing options can help increase sales and revenue by making your products and services more accessible to a wider range of customers. By providing customers with flexible payment options, you’re breaking down the barriers to purchasing expensive products and services upfront. This can help attract customers who might otherwise have been unable or unwilling to make the purchase, resulting in increased sales for your business.

  1. Improved Customer Loyalty

Customers appreciate businesses that go the extra mile to make their purchasing experience a positive one. By offering financing options, you’re providing customers with the flexibility and support they need to make their purchase with confidence. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

  1. Competitive Advantage

In today’s crowded marketplace, businesses need to stand out from their competitors. By offering financing options, you’re differentiating yourself from your competitors and gaining a competitive advantage. This can help attract new customers and retain existing ones by offering unique and valuable services that competitors do not provide.

  1. Higher Average Order Value

Customers who choose to finance their purchases may be more likely to add additional products or services to their order. This can increase the average order value for your business and provide additional revenue streams. By providing financing options, you’re creating an opportunity for customers to bundle products and services, resulting in increased sales and revenue for your business.

  1. Improved Cash Flow

By partnering with a financing provider, you can receive payment for your products and services upfront, while the financing provider takes on the risk of collecting payments from customers over time. This can help improve your business’s cash flow and reduce the need for additional financing or loans. With improved cash flow, you’ll have the resources you need to grow and expand your business.

In conclusion, offering financing options for products and services over $1000 can provide numerous benefits to businesses, including increased sales, improved customer loyalty, a competitive advantage, higher average order value, and improved cash flow. By providing flexible payment options and personalized support, you’re creating a positive purchasing experience for your customers, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business. Consider partnering with a financing provider today and take your business to the next level.

How To Offer Client Financing

As a small business owner, you know that offering financing options to your customers can help increase sales and build customer loyalty. But where do you start? In this article, we’ll take a look at the best ways to offer financing to your customers, including third-party financing options and client financing solutions.

How to offer financing to my customers
One of the best ways to offer financing to your customers is by partnering with a third-party financing company. This allows you to offer financing options without the risk and administrative burden of managing your own financing program. Many third-party financing companies offer flexible repayment options and can provide quick approval decisions for your customers. By offering financing options, you can help customers who may not have the cash on hand to make a purchase, which can increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

To learn more about the best third-party financing options for your customers, check out our article on the top financing companies for small businesses.

Best third-party financing for my customers
When choosing a third-party financing company, it’s important to consider factors such as interest rates, fees, repayment terms, and customer service. is one of the top customer financing platforms.

To learn more about’s third-party financing platform and lenders their specific offerings, check out our article on the best customer financing options for small businesses.

Client financing solutions
Another option for offering financing to your customers is by creating your own client financing program. This can involve offering payment plans or installment options to customers who are unable to pay the full amount up front. This can be a more personalized approach and can help build customer loyalty. However, it also comes with the risk and administrative burden of managing the financing program yourself.

Customer financing for small business
Customer financing can be a great option for small businesses looking to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. By offering financing options, you can make it easier for customers to make purchases and can provide them with the flexibility they need to manage their cash flow. This can be especially important for businesses that sell high-ticket items or provide services that require upfront payment.

To learn more about the benefits of offering customer financing for your small business, check out our article on the top 5 reasons to offer financing to your customers.

Customer financing companies
If you’re interested in outsourcing your financing program, there are also companies that specialize in customer financing solutions. These companies can help you create a customized financing program for your customers, and can handle the administrative burden of managing the program. Some top customer financing companies include LendingUSA, Greensky, and Bread.

Offering financing to your customers can be a great way to increase sales and build customer loyalty. By partnering with a third-party financing company or creating your own financing program, you can provide your customers with the flexibility they need to make purchases. Consider the options available and choose the one that best fits your business’s needs.

Offer Financing to Customers: A Guide to Third-Party Financing for Small Business

Offering financing options to your customers can be a great way to boost sales and improve customer loyalty. By allowing your customers to pay for purchases over time, you make it easier for them to afford the products or services they want, while also increasing your own revenue. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of offering financing options to your customers and provide guidance on how to do it effectively.

Third-Party Financing for Small Business

One of the most popular options for small businesses looking to offer financing to their customers is to use a third-party provider. Third-party providers specialize in offering financing solutions and can take care of everything from credit checks to payment processing and collections.

There are many third-party financing providers to choose from, including PayPal Financing, which allows customers to pay for purchases over time using their PayPal account. Other popular providers include Square Installments and Bread, which offer consumer financing solutions for merchants.

Customer Financing for Construction

If you’re in the construction business, offering financing options to your customers can be particularly beneficial. Construction projects can be expensive, and many customers may not have the cash on hand to pay for them upfront. By offering financing options, you can make it easier for customers to afford the construction services they need, while also increasing your own revenue.

No Credit Check Consumer Financing for Merchants

Another type of financing option to consider is no credit check consumer financing. This type of financing is ideal for customers who may not have the best credit scores, but still need to make purchases. By offering no credit check financing, you can attract more customers and increase sales, without taking on the risk of extending credit to customers who may not be able to pay.

Best Customer Financing for Small Business

When it comes to choosing the best financing options for your small business, it’s important to consider a few key factors. First, you’ll want to choose a provider that offers competitive rates and fees, so that you can maximize your own profits. You’ll also want to look for a provider that offers flexible payment terms, so that your customers can choose the payment plan that works best for them.

In conclusion, offering financing options to your customers can be a smart move for small businesses looking to increase sales and improve customer loyalty. By partnering with a third-party provider, offering no credit check financing, or setting up your own in-house financing program, you can make it easier for customers to afford the products or services they want, while also increasing your own revenue.

6 Reasons Why Contractors Should Be Offering Client Financing

As a contractor, one of the key challenges you face is attracting customers and generating revenue. While there are many ways to do this, one strategy that is gaining popularity is offering client financing. By providing financing options to your customers, you can make your services more affordable, attract more customers, and increase your revenue. In this article, we’ll explore six reasons why contractors should consider offering client financing.

  1. Attract more customers

One of the main benefits of offering client financing is that it can help you attract more customers. By providing financing options, you can reach a wider audience of potential customers who may not have the funds to pay for your services upfront. This can help you increase your customer base and grow your business.

  1. Increase sales

Offering financing options can also help you increase your sales. By making your services more affordable, you can convince customers to take on larger projects that they might otherwise have avoided due to cost concerns. This can lead to more revenue for your business.

  1. Competitive advantage

In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s important to find ways to stand out from the competition. By offering financing options, you can give yourself a competitive advantage over other contractors who don’t offer financing. This can help you win more business and establish yourself as a leader in your field.

  1. Build customer loyalty

Another benefit of offering financing options is that it can help you build customer loyalty. By making it easier for customers to pay for your services, you can create a positive experience that they will remember. This can lead to repeat business and positive referrals, helping you grow your business over time.

  1. Improved cash flow

Another benefit of offering financing options is that it can help you improve your cash flow. By receiving payments over time, rather than all at once, you can better manage your finances and plan for the future. This can help you grow your business more effectively and ensure that you are always able to meet your financial obligations.

  1. Partnering with financing companies

Finally, contractors can partner with financing companies to offer financing options to their customers. By partnering with a reputable financing company, you can offer your customers a wide range of financing options, from credit cards to loans. This can help you expand your business and offer more services to your customers.

In conclusion, offering client financing is a smart strategy for contractors who want to grow their business and attract more customers. By providing financing options, you can make your services more affordable, increase your sales, and improve your cash flow. So if you’re looking for ways to take your contracting business to the next level, consider offering financing options to your customers.

4 Benefits of Offering Financing Options in Your Dental Practice

As a dental practice, your goal is to provide your patients with high-quality care and help them achieve optimal oral health. However, it’s also important to consider the financial barriers that may prevent your patients from getting the care they need. Offering financing options can be a solution to this problem and can benefit your practice in several ways.

Increased Treatment Acceptance

One of the biggest advantages of offering financing options to your patients is increased treatment acceptance. Many patients may avoid or delay recommended treatments due to financial concerns. However, by offering financing options, you can alleviate this concern and make it easier for your patients to receive the care they need.

In fact, studies have shown that patients are more likely to accept recommended treatments when financing options are available to them. By offering financing options, you can help your patients improve their oral health and overall well-being, while also increasing your practice’s revenue.

Attracting New Patients

In addition to increasing treatment acceptance, offering financing options can also attract new patients to your practice. Patients who may not have considered your practice before may be more likely to choose you if you offer financing options. This can give your practice a competitive advantage and help you stand out in a crowded market.

When marketing your practice, be sure to highlight the financing options you offer. This can be done through your website, social media channels, and other marketing materials. By promoting your financing options, you can attract new patients who may not have otherwise considered your practice.

Improved Cash Flow

Partnering with a financing company can also improve your practice’s cash flow. Rather than waiting for patients to pay their bills in full, you can receive payment for services rendered in a timely manner. This can help you manage your practice’s finances more effectively and ensure that you have the resources you need to provide high-quality care to your patients.

When choosing a financing partner, be sure to research your options and find a company that offers competitive rates and reliable service. By partnering with a reputable financing company, you can improve your practice’s cash flow and provide better service to your patients.

Building Long-Term Relationships

Finally, offering financing options can help you build long-term relationships with your patients. When patients are able to receive the care they need without financial stress, they are more likely to return to your practice for future services. By building a loyal patient base, you can ensure the long-term success of your practice.

To build long-term relationships with your patients, be sure to provide high-quality care and excellent customer service. This includes communicating clearly about financing options and ensuring that patients understand their payment options before receiving treatment. By building trust with your patients, you can establish a reputation as a reliable and caring dental practice.

In conclusion, offering financing options can benefit your dental practice in several ways. By increasing treatment acceptance, attracting new patients, improving cash flow, and building long-term relationships, you can provide better service to your patients and ensure the long-term success of your practice. If you’re considering offering financing options to your patients, be sure to research your options and find a financing partner that meets your needs. With the right financing partner, you can improve your practice’s financial stability and provide better care to your patients.

5 Reasons Coaches and Consultants Should Offer Financing Options For Their High Ticket Programs

As a coach or consultant, you want to make sure that your services are accessible and affordable to as many clients as possible. Offering financing options can be a great way to increase revenue and attract more customers. In this blog, we will explore five ways that coaches and consultants can increase their revenue by offering financing.

  1. Attract More Sales: By offering financing, coaches and consultants can attract more customers who may not have been able to afford their services otherwise. With the flexibility of payment plans, clients can now access quality services without breaking the bank. This not only leads to an increase in sales but also helps build a loyal customer base.
  2. Upsell Products and Services: Financing options can also make it easier for clients to upgrade their services or purchase additional products. This can lead to upselling opportunities and increased revenue. By offering clients affordable payment options, coaches and consultants can grow their businesses and increase their profit margins.
  3. Increase Repeat Business: When clients have a positive experience with the coach or consultant and the financing process, they are more likely to return for future services. With the help of financing, clients can enjoy the services they need without the financial burden that comes with upfront payments. This can lead to increased revenue over time and help build a loyal customer base.
  4. Reduce Payment Barriers: Some clients may be hesitant to pay for services upfront, even if they can afford them. Offering financing can remove this barrier and make it easier for them to commit to the purchase, leading to increased revenue. With the help of financing, coaches and consultants can break down payment barriers and make their services accessible to more clients.
  5. Gain a Competitive Edge: By offering financing options, coaches and consultants can set themselves apart from competitors who do not offer financing. This can attract customers who are looking for affordable payment options and lead to increased revenue. In a competitive market, financing can be a powerful tool to help coaches and consultants grow their businesses.

Offering financing options for high ticket programs is a smart way for coaches and consultants to increase their revenue and grow their businesses. By attracting more sales, upselling products and services, increasing repeat business, reducing payment barriers, and gaining a competitive edge, coaches and consultants can enjoy increased profitability and success. To make financing accessible and hassle-free for clients, our waterfall of lenders have the capacity to approve every client – guaranteed. With, coaches and consultants can offer their clients the best financing options available, making their services accessible and affordable to everyone.